Docker swarm as an orchestration tool works, but it has limitations that aren’t discussed enough. The limitations are solvable though.
Docker Swarm Management

Docker swarm as an orchestration tool works, but it has limitations that aren’t discussed enough. The limitations are solvable though.
PREFACE: This post was originally written in September of 2023. Originally, I couldn’t release it. The cultural atmosphere felt too hostile to say any of this. Needless to say, much has changed. Hope you can appreciate this time capsule from before the 2020 US Presidential Elections …
The News Media is Biased This point has become painfully clear since the 2016 that put Donald Trump into office, and the #resistance movement that followed it in all major news outlets. I hope that nobody reading this is surprised to hear this. You should clearly recognize that even the most highly regarded news sources […]
When I first heard the album “You’re Not Alone”, I was fairly new to sobriety and in the process of a divorce. Everything in my life was raw and fairly new. Most people who get sober don’t make it past the first year. Too many things bring them back to the drink. While working the […]
In 1999, Neurosis came out with the album “Times of Grace“. That album, apparently was done in parallel with a lesser known side project of theirs – Tribes of Neurot. I’ve heard the combination of these albums before (both albums playing at the same time). I wasn’t aware there was an entirely separate album though. […]
Remote management of WordPress sites is important to me. I manage a number of WordPress sites. I find myself, often, in the same situations doing the same things. Naturally, I wrote scripts to automate this. I made a software package out of these scripts and put them up in GitLab (you’re not still using GitHub […]
Over the last month I’ve been a vocal proponent of people coming together. I’ve called for humility in conversations. I’ve noted the false dichotomies that are prevalent in social media and news media cycles. Generally, I have asked a lot of you to be open minded about things you feel strongly about. I’m going to […]
Warbringer has been around for a while. I recall watching them live a few times back when I was pushing Florida Death Metal. They’re a throwback to the early days of Death Metal when the genre really hadn’t distinguished itself from Thrash Metal. The results are pretty awesome. I hope you’ll check them out.
When I was a 14 year old kid just getting into metal, Raped Ape was one of the local bands all the older metal heads use to talk about with respect and reverence. At the time, I wasn’t ready for that style of thrash and death metal. Around 1996 the band effectively disbanded. I hadn’t […]
Awesome Retrowave is a thing I’ve been on for a while now. I was happy to share about Perturbator yesterday. A few years back I was introduced to the Retrowave genre. Awesome hitters in the Retrowave genre include Perturbator, Daniel Deluxe, and Gost. Spotify suggested Master Boot Record and now I’m hooked. It’s awesome. I’ve […]