Docker swarm as an orchestration tool works, but it has limitations that aren’t discussed enough. The limitations are solvable though.
Docker Swarm Management

Docker swarm as an orchestration tool works, but it has limitations that aren’t discussed enough. The limitations are solvable though.
There’s been a ton of things going on in life lately. I can’t say everything going on, but suffice to say – it’s plenty. The Challenge I have issues with feeling overwhelmed. I have issues with not feeling good enough. I have issues with abandonment. So, lately, I’ve had a good amount of testing on […]
Last week I picked up the baby from his Great Aunt in Tampa. We spent a week together. Last Thursday I picked up the twins from school here in Orlando. We spent the weekend together. That made for a very busy weekend. Looking back at it, I’m grateful. In the middle of everything, I would […]
On May 19 – May 20, I participated in the GORUCK Challenge Orlando event. For those of you who don’t know what GORUCK is, I’d suggest the GORUCK FAQ. Here’s a quick summary of a GORUCK challenge event: Wear a backpack with bricks in it. Perform various PT type exercises with a group of about […]